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The Most Valuable Gift You Can Give Yourself

The Most Valuable Gift You Can Give Yourself

the most valuable gift you can give yourself Dec 18, 2023

As we step into the festive season, there's a buzz in the air about gifts, celebrations, and joy. But amidst this festive cheer, I want to ask you: Have you thought about the gift you'll give yourself this year? And no, I'm not talking about something wrapped in shiny paper.

A few years ago, I had an epiphany while on a routine trip to the grocery run. I tend to talk to myself in the car, and I realized I was always planning for 'someday' – the day I'd feel more balanced, the day I'd start that health regimen I'd been putting off. But then it hit me – I had been living in the 'someday' for far too long.

That day, I decided to give myself a gift that didn't cost a penny but was incredibly valuable – a shift in my mindset. I let go of the notion that I had to constantly work hard to deserve happiness and started appreciating my achievements, no matter how small.

This didn't mean abandoning my goals. Instead, it meant learning to be kinder to myself and celebrating every little victory on my health and wellness journey.

As a Women's Health Coach, I often see many of you putting immense pressure on yourselves, especially when it comes to health and nutrition. We're constantly bombarded with messages about the 'perfect diet' or the 'ideal workout routine.' But what if the best gift we could give ourselves is simply the permission to be happy with where we are right now?

This holiday season, I challenge you to think about the intangible gift you can give yourself. Maybe it's a commitment to a more balanced and enjoyable approach to eating, one that doesn't feel like a constant battle. Or perhaps it's the promise to appreciate your body for its strength and resilience rather than focusing on perceived flaws.

Remember the words of Aeschylus, "Happiness is a choice that requires effort at times." This season, let's choose happiness, not as a distant goal but as a present reality.

So, as you think about gifts for your loved ones, don't forget to consider what you need most. It might be something as simple as an afternoon to yourself, a new recipe to nourish your body and soul, or a commitment to a health goal that's been on your mind.

You deserve to celebrate yourself and your journey. Let this holiday season be a reminder of that.

Wishing you health, happiness, and a joyous holiday season,


P.S. If you're finding it challenging to decide on that perfect self-gift, I'm here to help. Together, we can explore ways to make your health and nutrition journey fulfilling and joyous!

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