Holy cow! We're already almost halfway through 2024! Time flies when you're... well, living life. As we hit this mid-year mark, it's the perfect opportunity to pause and take stock of how things are going. Grab a cup of coffee (or tea, or whatever your beverage of choice is), and let's explore some fun reflection questions together. Ready?
1. What Are You Grateful for Right Now?
Starting with gratitude can quickly shift your mindset from "meh" to "yay!" Take a moment to think about what's making you smile these days. Your morning coffee? A hilarious meme you saw? Your cat's adorable antics? Write it down and appreciate those positive moments.
2. What Big Goals Did You Set for 2024? How's Your Progress So Far?
Think back to those goals you set earlier this year. How's it going with those goals? Crushing them, kind of forgot about them, or somewhere in between? No judgment here. It's all about progress, not perfection.
3. How Balanced Is Your "Wheel of Life"?
Okay, this one sounds fancy, but it's pretty simple. Rate yourself from 1-10 in these categories: Health, Spiritual, Work/Career, Family, Financial, Personal Growth/Mindset, and Relationships. Feeling a little wobbly in some areas? That's totally normal. Balance is a myth, but it's fun to try!
4. What's Going Well? What's Not Going Well?
Let's celebrate the wins and acknowledge the hiccups. What's making you do a happy dance? What's making you want to pull your hair out? Dig into the "why" behind both. It's like having a heart-to-heart with yourself.
5. What Do You Want Most for the Next 6 Months?
Get excited about the future! What do you really want for the rest of 2024? Do your goals need a little tweak? What's going to light that fire under you and make you jump out of bed in the morning?
6. What Needs to Happen to Achieve Your Goals in the Next 6 Months?
Time to get real. What's the game plan? What do you need to do more of? Less of? Write it all down. Channel your inner coach and give yourself a pep talk.
Taking a few moments to journal about these questions can be surprisingly revealing and energizing. You might uncover some cool insights and get a fresh burst of motivation to carry you through the rest of the year.
And hey, if one of your goals involves tackling your weight loss journey, I'd love to help. In just 6 months, we can move from struggling with yo-yo dieting to achieving sustainable weight loss — no quick fixes, just real results.
Curious to learn more?
Click HERE to see if my Reset and Restore Coaching Program is the right fit for you!
Yours in Health,
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