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5 Healthy Eating Habits

5 Healthy Eating Habits

5 healthy eating habits May 21, 2021

Eating healthy is a lifestyle, and like any lifestyle, it requires daily habits and consistency. In this article, you will find 5 healthy eating habits that are easy to incorporate and implement into your everyday life.

It's easier to form good habits than to break bad ones. By adopting these habits, you'll slowly wean yourself off the old eating habits that hold you hostage against your best intentions.

Habit 1: Drink a glass of water

While drinking water may not seem like an 'eating habit' per se, it's one of the best habits you can develop. Very often, thirst is mistaken for hunger.

Consuming water twenty to thirty minutes before a meal may create a sense of fullness and reduce your appetite. This will allow you to eat less and cut down on excess calories.

Habit 2: Add an extra serving of vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale, etc., are high in fibre and take up more space in your stomach. It's best to consume your vegetables and your protein foods before you consume your carbohydrates.

Not only does this practice prevent bloating and bad digestion, but when you eat your vegetables and protein first, your stomach registers that it's full faster. 

You'll then require less simple carbohydrates such as rice, bread, pasta, etc., to feel satiated. Once again, you'll be consuming fewer unwanted calories, and your diet will be healthier.

Research has also shown that eating your veggies and protein first has a significant impact on your glucose and insulin levels.

Habit 3: Eat mindfully

Eating slowly and mindfully is one of the best ways to watch what you are eating. Rather than ravenously gobbling up every morsel of food in sight, it's ideal to take your time and chew and taste your food before swallowing.

It takes around 20 to 30 minutes for your stomach to register that it's full. During this period, it is easy to overeat. However, if you take your time during your meals, you'll eat less, and by the time your stomach knows It's full, you will have consumed fewer calories.

Habit 4: Use healthy oils

Hydrogenated food oils sold in supermarkets appear clean and golden. They're portrayed as healthy oils. Nothing could be further from the truth.

These oils have been processed and are incredibly unhealthy. They cause inflammation, obesity and many other health issues. Do your best to steer clear of these unhealthy vegetable oils.

Use extra virgin olive oil and cold-pressed coconut oil in your meals. You can use Olive oil in salads and vegetable dishes and coconut oil for frying since it has a high smoke point.

These oils are the good fats that your body needs. Additionally, do consume a high-quality fish oil supplement daily, and you'll have all the healthy fats your body needs.

Habit 5: Cook meals at home

Cooking at home can seem a bit overwhelming, especially if you are pressed for time. It can be tempting to dine out or order a pizza to be delivered to your home.

However, if you want to adopt a clean and healthy lifestyle, it's best to cook your own meals at home. Aim to eat at home at least 5 days a week. You'll notice a difference in the way you feel and may even experience weight loss.

Home-cooked meals are almost always healthier, contain less detrimental additives such as MSG, and leave you feeling nourished and content for hours after the meal.

Need quick meal ideas? Click here to get my free recipe book. Make healthy, delicious meals in under 30 minutes using only 6 ingredients!

You control your health, start making positive changes today, adopt these 5 healthy eating habits, and your relationship with food will be better. Your meals will be much more nutritious and wholesome.

Need help getting started? Check out my 5-Day Reset Challenge to get a  jumpstart on creating healthy habits.





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